After visiting a botanical garden in Italy Goethe became convinced that he could discover some simple unity among the great variety of vegetation. He conceived the idea of an original or archetypal plant, an Urpflanze ("Primal Plant ") from which all plant forms can be derived. In an essay and a poem, where he explained the diversity of plant forms as an ongoing transformation of leaves, Goethe bridged the gap between the poetic and science.
A project in collaboration with Lisa van Leenen and Tamara Pinos
A project in collaboration with Lisa van Leenen and Tamara Pinos

The primal plant exists as an idea but the idea or image of the primal plant is not a finished concept. We should create conditions allowing the idea of the primal plant to grow and try to convey some of the poetic and scientific qualities of the primal plant without giving an exact answer to what the primal plant is.
We want to create an explorative installation. In a process that is similar to an assembly line we will explore the idea of the primal plant. But instead of assemble a finished product we will deconstruct flowers a study the parts. We will bring all the data that will emerge from our study in a symbiotic interplay with a deconstructed version of the poem of Goethe.
The data (the scientific) and the words of the poem (the poetic) will blend into an ever-changing presentation that will convey the symbioses and interplay of the poetic and the scientific.
The presentation can be digital, a physical construction or a combination of both.
We want to create an explorative installation. In a process that is similar to an assembly line we will explore the idea of the primal plant. But instead of assemble a finished product we will deconstruct flowers a study the parts. We will bring all the data that will emerge from our study in a symbiotic interplay with a deconstructed version of the poem of Goethe.
The data (the scientific) and the words of the poem (the poetic) will blend into an ever-changing presentation that will convey the symbioses and interplay of the poetic and the scientific.
The presentation can be digital, a physical construction or a combination of both.